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Shipping Protection


According To...


"Package theft in 2019 found that 1.7 million packages went missing every day in the US, amounting to a loss of about $25 million a day."

Prevent Financial Loss

  • Purchase Recovery

  • Purchase Metrics

  • Customer Retention Rates

  • Package Resolution Analytics

  • Claim Processing

  • Customer Claim Percentages

  • Advanced Package Tracking

How Solace Works

Solace Website Mockup (Presentation) (19)_edited.png

What You Get

  • Easy Solace Install

  • $0 Out of Pocket Cost

  • Automated Claim Processing

  • Prompt Customer Responses

  • Shipping Package Resolution

  • Claim Process Insights

  • Advanced Package Tracking

Why It Matters

  • Get Paid with Revenue Share

  • Save Time Processing Claims

  • Outsource Shipping Claims​

  • Prompt Claim Processing

  • Increased Customer Satisfaction

  • Higher Profits

  • Higher Net Promoter Score

Merchant Support

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